Customer Details

Import and access all customer data such as call history, recent deals or support tickets, CRM profile or even your own custom fields. Before, during and after calls.

Information on demand.

Contact Overview

Find and access customers’ full call history, recent tickets, and even completed deals.

On-Call Access

Quickly access a contact’s CRM profile or any other type of customer profile during the call.

Ad-Hoc Tagging

Tag contacts mid-call to streamline the customer experience and campaign management.

Turn your CloudTalk into a much larger and powerful tool

Expand your business toolstack with a business calling software that can be easily integrated into your existing CRMs, ecommerce or helpdesk tools, like Salesforce, Freshdesk, Help Scout, and dozens more.

Have questions?

What is real-time information?

Real-time information is data that is delivered immediately and continuously and is used to inform decisions and actions. It’s often used in systems that require up-to-date information in order to react quickly to changing conditions, such as traffic lights, stock market trading, and weather reports. Real-time information can also be used to provide customers with more accurate, relevant information in real time, such as online shopping and customer service.

How does a real-time customer card help my business?

Providing agents with instant access to customer data during a call enables them to offer more personalized and effective customer support. With the ability to quickly review past interactions and issues, agents can tailor their responses to each individual caller, resulting in higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

You can save your agents time while they also handle more calls – more efficiently. With up-to-date customer data readily available at all times, agents can resolve issues more quickly, leading to faster call resolution times and increased customer satisfaction.

How can real-time client data help your customer support?

Real-time client data can help customer support by giving agents more information about the customer, such as their purchase history, contact information, and previous interactions with the company. Having this information on hand can allow agents to quickly tailor their support approach to customers’ individual needs, and provide a more personalized customer experience.

On top of that, seeing past issues on real-time cards can warn customer support agents of potential issues or problems with the customer’s product or service before they become significant issues. This allows them to take proactive measures to prevent customer dissatisfaction.

Are there any fees associated with real-time customer cards?

Generally, there are no setup or maintenance fees associated with real-time customer cards. However, depending on the provider, you may incur fees for certain features.

Ready to get started?

Schedule a demo with one of our specialists and gain unparalleled control over your customer’s experience.